Saturday, January 26, 2013

Galina's Favorite Place

My favorite place is my village at the river Volga.  There are a lot of beautiful places around where I spent all my childhood. And I dream to buy a little house there to go there every time when I feel sad or just to rest.


  1. Is it your own photo? Can you sign it?

  2. It looks like MY favourite place. The same opened blue sky, unlimited heath and water... It is known that man can eternally watch water, fire and another man. Sometimes it even calms body and spirit.

  3. This is a place where I used to rest in the local camp and then worked as a counlselor... Just a picturesque place...

  4. What is this place exactly? Tsagaan Aman? If it is I have never been there. It is very wonderful place.

  5. I was there in childhood.If you will be there you will see it is very beautiful and unbelievable place
